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  • Ontario Creates
  • Ontario Arts Council
  • Canada Council for the Arts


From Brick 106

Brick 106

My grandfather says we can eat what we kill.

We wade into the water and find a shark.


In the latent night, we carry it home across

the mountain. I memorize the way your feet step


before mine, your plan for leading me

out of this spectacular cycle—fold it in and over


ourselves until our parents finally call for

the doctor. Our love has never allowed itself


to be gutted. Reach a hand in there, all the way,

pull out a heart, lungs, digestive mechanics.


I love your legs in the water. I told your sister

when she fell from the cliff that I wished it


had been me you wailed over, ripping the clothes

from your back, your black skin raw. We are too final


for the gardens they sing about in church, our hands

never coming close to hold whatever hot, shining


city we’re meant to love. This body

between us is dangerous, a writhing prehistoric


wound. Our bodies are weapons and we know that,

we know no one wants this fish or its live birth,


just its teeth around our necks.

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Read from Brick 106

Read from Brick 106